PQ for United Methodist

"Supporting YOUR life journey"

Coaching is a hot word in our culture. Simply put, coaching is a partnership between a coach and an individual who desires to make positive life changes. A coach sees the whole person, moving him or her forward in life by providing deep listening, powerful questions, and support.  Dr. Jim Robey, MCC, will provide you with confidential coaching that helps move you move more fully into the "fullness of your life." Coaching is transforming!

Unlock your leadership potential 

Positive Intelligence (PQ) for YOU

The year 2024 has been challenging for United Methodist leaders. The lingering effects of the pandemic, racial tensions, financial hardships, and a multitude of disaffiliations, have taken a toll on ministers and our clergy leaders—bishops, DSs, and Conference Staff. In light of these challenges, I offer the Positive Intelligence program, a tool specifically designed to enhance leadership skills and resilience, to help United Methodist leaders fulfill their divine calling in these times as we move from release to renewal.

The Positive Intelligence (PQ) program is developed by Shirzad Charmine, the CEO and Founder. He is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Positive Intelligence and a lecturer at Stanford. PQ is a culmination of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Participants in the program learn to:

  • Intercept their “Saboteurs” (negative thoughts and habits that impede peak performance)
  • Develop their “Sage” mind (calm, positive thoughts and habits such as empathy, curiosity, innovation, and clear-headed, laser-focused action)
  • Boost their self-command to shift from Saboteur to Sage mindsets intentionally.
  • MRI imaging research has shown that 6-8 weeks of PQ practice increased grey matter in Sage brain areas and decreased it in the Saboteur areas.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a metaphor for what is universal in human experience. It employs accessible language, resources, strategy, and tools that speak to the human condition. These tools assist us in clarifying and developing our self-view identity within our Christian worldview. Originally developed for high-level business executives, I now offer this exclusive program for church leaders.

As we activate the PQ Sage part of the brain, we tap into the most spiritually sensitive part of our being—where Love resides. Simultaneously, reducing the influence of the Saboteur, the most destructive and fear-based part of our being, allows us to be more open for the Holy Spirit to work through us. I have personally been coaching, training, and consulting with DSs and other leaders using PQ. I am here, fully committed and prepared, “for such a time as this…”

I look forward to sharing this ministry resource and nurturing you in your sacred calling. 


Jim Robey

Dr. Jim Robey, MCC

Mental Fitness Leadership Coach 

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What is PQ?

PQ is the acronym for Positive Intelligence. PQ is your measure of mental fitness and emotional resilience. It's the best predictor of how happy you are, and how well you perform, relative to your full potential. 80% of people score below the minimum level of mental fitness required for peak performance and happiness.

With recent breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology, mental fitness can be improved, just like we can change our physical fitness through exercise and nutrition. The results? Dramatically improved productivity and a calm, clear, laser-focused mind. In other words, happiness! At work, it results in more engagement and higher performance, and greater connection to one's purpose!

Mental Fitness (PQ) is the X-Factor in Performance & Happiness


You can also visit www.PositiveIntelligence.com 

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





